Thanks all for keeping up with Bobs Machine.
We are hitting the ground running for another record setting year!
The last week of 2022 we added another 2 CNC mills and Fanuc robot. The robot cell has been finished and is in full 24 hour production at this time, keeping us assembling jack plates made with the latest machining technology, offering laser and Renishaw probing to make sure of the highest tolerances.
We have started our boat show cycle, kicked off with the Miami boat show last week! We will be at the Dubai boat show, The MLF Redcrest and the Bassmaster Classic in March. Look forward to seeing you there and many more though out the year.
And the pro fishing circuit has kicked off with a great start!
Prostaff Member Chris Lane took 1st place in the Bass Pro Tour on the MLF side of things, and having 2 top 10 prostaff members at the Bassmaster Elite series.
We have added a lot of other new machinery to keep up with our growing demands this past fall/winter to handle our growth, including new automated bandsaw, upgraded paint booth, upgrades in powder coating process to improve prep time for production, many additional burr benches, CNC machines and as mentioned another Robotic cell and have another on order!